Outdoor Education Initiatives

Coming soon- Pollinator Garden

We will work with the Town Parks and Natural Resource staff to find the best location and plants for building pollinator gardens in Town to beautify the space and increase native biodiversity. The gardens will provide community engagement and learning opportunities about the important role pollinators play and more!

Trailblazers After-School Program

Data tells us the need for initiatives promoting time outdoors is increasingly urgent. We are partnering locally to pilot a new after-school program spending time in an outdoor learning environment. Pre/Post Surveys will identify changes in emotional regulation, and comfort in the outdoors

Agents of Discovery

Agents of Discovery connects kids and families to nature and their communities through captivating challenges via a free download of the Agents of Discovery App. It’s free, there’s no registration required. Kids and their parents can go burn off some energy and learn about nature and stewardship at the same time, any time!